New York State Police
Troop G Campus
New York Office of General Services
Colonie, NY
The Headquarters complex consists of two buildings: The first is the 90,000 square foot Headquarters building housing a command headquarters, multi-agency communications center (COMSEC), patrol unit and a forensic investigation unit. The second building is a 30,000 square foot Quartermaster facility containing a statewide State Police quartermaster function and a vehicle maintenance and fit-up facility. These two high-performance buildings integrate the following sustainable and durable design characteristics:
Designed to meet the State Police "50 Years Plus" durability standards
Both buildings awarded LEED for New Construction Silver Certification for Green Building
Obtained $250,000 in New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) incentive grants to incorporate energy efficiency measures, all of which delivered two year payback for the implemented energy upgrades.
Incorporation of building and site force protection measures